WELCOME TO Mazhar hayath Advocate Chennai


About Mazhar Hayath Advocate

In this age of technological disruption, economic globalization and ever evolving legal frameworks which is cutting across all previous barriers and boundaries, the predominant service providers are individual lawyers, small or family based firms. I am a first generation lawyer and have had the privilege of not being influenced by the dogmas associated with the profession of practice of Law.

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Why Choose Our Legal Services?

  • Experienced Attorneys

    Experienced lawyers have handled many similar cases, and refer to previous experience when handling your case. They have an efficient and efficient process for each of the many stages of personal injury claims.

  • Best Case Strategy

    The life of a lawyer comes with many tasks and time to take activities to succeed in carrying out certain cases.

  • With You - From Start to Finish

    Winning is not the main target for a lawyer, it is an approach and hard work of how a lawyer brings this case until the final execution for the same thing.


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    - Vicky V

    Wonderful lawyer . A trust worthy and responsible lawyer. You can rely on him to deal with any legal matter. Any clarifications he will respond to you when ever required. We recommend him

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    - Babu M

    The lawyer had a good understanding of my issue. The lawyer correctly advised me on the merits of my case. As a result of the advocate's guidance and advice, I was able to choose the best option possible in my legal situation.

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    - Krishna m

    Best advocate for divorce. Sir Completed my process within 45 days